人啊~ 我回来咯!
因为酒店在天后(香港岛),所以我们吃喝和shopping 的地方都集中于铜锣湾和中环地带。
先看看港铁地图,箭头指着的正是我们酒店的location 啦!

在还没正式踏入香港之前,我们在Brisbane 国际机场也拍了一些商铺照片~
Donut King, Billabong 都是澳洲比较畅销的品牌!
Dolce & Gabbana 和Chloe 都是免税的。
里面装着一瓶Marc Jacobs 限量版Daisy 香水!
原来是坐我隔壁的Alex 先生为了纪念我们拍拖已满一年特意安排的空中礼物~
好开心~ 漂亮吗?
对对!香港更多东西买哦~ 我钱包都已穿了个大洞了!
You're back! So cool!
Wow! Ain't Alex a sweet guy to have prepare a special "Limited Edition" gift for you, on the plane too, so thoughtful! The Daisy bottle design is so cool and cute.
Brisbane airport is very nice! Looks like a true international airport. Unlike the one here in Houston, an international airport all right but doesn't appear to be one.
Looking forward to your next post about your HK trip!
Glad to hear from you, I so miss you, not you lar, your blog..hehehe..
Wah, Alex so "Yau Sum" , prepared a special edition perfume for you, so you immediately apply this perfume during your HKG trip?
I might go HKG as well, so quickly show me all about HKG .
I have an award from you, please collect it from my blog.
Hi guys! Thank you for your prompt comments! Yes! I will upload the HK photos as soon as possible! Thank you Sonia for the award... I will claim it very very soon too! Hehe...
Colin: Brisbane int airport is small but it is very nice of them to have quite a few of these really up-market brands (it does add more values to the airport i think)... ah! Really? It is hard to imagine how Houston int airport look like... is it something like Adelaide's? very plain, not many decors, not many floors, not many sections, everything just look too simple!
jdexign: how are you? Are you still feeling really cold over there? I hope the weather will turn slightly warmer for you...!
Houston Airport is probably like Adelaide's, too plain...too simple...to boring...hahaha...
你回来啦!很想念你哦! ^_^
你的他很好哦~~还有空中礼物送你叻 ~~
Colin: Someone told me adelaide airport (despite its really boring outlook) is one of the top airports in the world! ^^ How weird huh? Probably "look" is not really that important afterall???????? I wonder...
仪仪妈咪:我也想念你啊~ 我在香港时也有追看你的部落哟!是这两天比较忙着洗衣服还没办法去拜访大家,真不好意思!要加油些!
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