回到家,决定烤比萨饼的时候才发现原来冰箱里的mozzarella 芝士乘不多。
还好冰箱里还有些haloumi 芝士,
我本身比较喜欢puff pastry,
1 在puff pastry 涂上薄薄一层番茄酱(或意大利面酱)。
2 把馅料都放上去。喜欢多少就放多少
3 撒点黑胡椒、herbs、盐等等。
4 最后把mozzarella 芝士撒在整个比萨饼上
3 撒点黑胡椒、herbs、盐等等。
4 最后把mozzarella 芝士撒在整个比萨饼上
5 在烤箱里200度烤足半小时即可。
5 在烤箱里200度烤足半小时即可。

烤到大概有点金黄就可以取出来吃了~ =)我的比萨饼卖相还好。因为haloumi 本身比较不会熔化。
How a healthy vegetarian pizza. Why dont you prepare your own pizza bread, very easy to prepare one, want me to teach you?
ya, about haloumi, I saw haloumi in Tesco here, but what i saw was only the holoumi tag ,out of stock lo, surprise to know that many peoples here also know this cheese...
Emile~ Yes please teach~ =D
I'm lazy sometimes so I use the puff pastry sheet as my pizza base instead of kneading the dough myself~ When I have sometime off on the weekend, I would definitely love trying out your pizza bread~ hehe
Good~ I'm glad you found it! How exciting...
I will post it later ya, need some time to write it.
哈哈~ 我等你!
I have posted it, hopp over my blog plsss
I read it! It looks so tasty~~~ Cant wait to try it!
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